While we may not agree with everything you say, we definitely do agree that everyone should have the right to freedom of speech and information – In fact we think it’s essential for a healthy society.
We don’t necessarily endorse all links posted here but support their right to be seen.
FIlms or Action
3 -
Out of the Shadows
1 -
The Truth About Vaccines
1 -
True Earth, Common Law Power !
1 -
5G Apocalypse
1 -
Vaxxed 2
1 -
1 -
COVID-19 Hoax - The Crime of The Century
1 -
Plandemic 2 Indoctornation
1 -
1 -
The 1986 Act
1 -
JKF to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Mans Trick
1 -
16. The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction- Illuminati/Nwo
The Corporation
The 5G Trojan Horse
This Is Bigger Than Anyone Can Imagine Q
Fall of the Cabal
How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World
Strawman - The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL)
Americas Frontline Doctors
4 -
The Influenza Vaccine and COVID-19
4 -
Belgian Doctors Speak out
4 -
German Doctors Public Enquiry
3 -
Australian Integrative Doctors demand integrative medicine be included in National Health Policy
3 -
Global Doctors Questioning COVID
2 -
Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season
2 -
Spanish Doctors for Truth Press Conference
2 -
Phillipino Doctors Demand an End to Lockdowns
1 -
UK Doctors demand independent inquiry
1 -
The Great Barrington Declaration
1 -
Australian COVID Medical Network
Surgeon discusses why masks don't work
The Contageon Myth
Alternative Media
The Corbert Report
International Tribunal for Natural Justice
Childrens Health Defence
Max Igan
Red Pill University
Green Med Info
Dollar Vigilante
The Conscious Resistance
The Highwire
John Rappaport
Amazing Polly
Natural News
Technocracy news
Truth and Freedom Report
Freedom Foundation
Alex Jones Infowars
Banned Videos
Stop World Control
Solar Punk Manifesto
London Real TV
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make any sense.”
– Rumi
In that field all there is left to do is dance!